Let's empbark on

Your most important Journey

An anthology documentary series that explores our greatest adventure: life.

"Exploring the greatest adventure - the journey to your true self and its connection to ancient tribes,
philosophies and the wisdom of our shared humanity."

The Idea


In today’s fast-paced world, it feels like success means keeping up and fitting in. We chase education, experiences, and achievements, but how often do we stop and ask: What do I really want? Who am I, at my core? This documentary takes you on a thrilling exploration of ancient tribal traditions from around the globe, where these very questions are the foundation of life. Get ready to dive deep, reconnect with yourself, and discover wisdom that could change how you see the world—and your place in it!

The Concept


Join us on an exciting journey as we break new ground to connect people with the rich wisdom of ancient cultures! We're not just making another documentary—we’re bringing these worlds to life through dynamic, fictional stories inspired by real events. For each unique way of life, we partner with experts and native communities to craft powerful visual and storytelling experiences. The result? Authentic stories told by the communities themselves. Together, we’ll inspire fresh perspectives to help navigate today’s complex world. Be part of something bigger—a movement that brings the past into the present and shapes the future!

Get them into the spotlight

ancient knowledge

We know there’s a vast world of ancient knowledge out there, woven into the everyday lives of communities. For them, it’s second nature—but for outsiders, it’s fascinating, eye-opening, and full of unique insights. In our documentary series, we’re diving into some of these incredible concepts, though we know we can’t cover it all. That’s where YOU come in! If you know of an idea or tradition that’s worth sharing with the world, we want to hear from you. Let’s work together to shine a spotlight on these hidden sources of wisdom.Find some of the concepts we want to feature on the left.

New Ways

Anthology Documentary

We will create engaging fictional short
films that effectively convey the core
concepts. This approach allows us to tell
the stories while respecting the personal
space of those who are already
experiencing them.

Better together


We aim to amplify these concepts by
allowing those who truly embody them to share their stories. Therefore, local talent and experts play a crucial role in developing and bringing these narratives to life.

Two-part model

Dive Deep

The fictional films will narrate the
story, while the deep dive episodes will provide the explanation. This two-part model allows us to both entertain and explore in depth. So you choose what you fancy.

Better togehter

Meet our team

You might be curious about our dedication to making this documentary a reality.
Our goal is to safeguard the deep insights into life that ancient cultures offer. We strive to ensure that this valuable knowledge is passed down to future generations. Moreover, we genuinely love working together with individuals from diverse cultures, countries, and communities.

WE want YOU to be part of this incredible journey

This goes out to all people working in film or want to make their way into.Join us in shaping the narrative of your community! Calling all local filmmakers, storytellers, writers, directors, historians and creative minds to lend your talents to our documentary project. Together, let's capture the essence of our neighborhood, illuminate its untold stories, and celebrate its vibrant culture. Feel free to get in touch if you think we need to do an episode about a special concept we don’t have in our list yet. We are open to all ideas!Your unique perspectives and creative flair will help us craft a documentary that resonates with audiences far and wide. Seize this opportunity to showcase your skills, leave a lasting impact, and be part of something truly special.Rest assured, your invaluable contributions will be compensated fairly, reflecting the talent and dedication you bring to this important project.Let's amplify our voices and bring our community's story to the world stage.If you like what you see, get involved today and drop us an E-Mail.

Michi Baumgartner

Michael (Michi) is a devoted husband, proud father of a daughter, and an avid traveler with a thirst for exploration and new perspectives. A serial entrepreneur and seasoned creative, Michael brings over 20 years of experience in producing captivating brand films for international clients. As the founder and CEO of a award winning agency TreeTop specializing in film, he has honed his craft in storytelling and visual impact.Driven by a passion for the Passion and Purpose Economy and a deep belief in the power of possibilities, Michael embraces his role as a "possibilist," always seeking innovative ways to inspire and connect people. Whether behind the camera or charting new ventures, his focus remains on crafting meaningful narratives and creating opportunities for growth and transformation.

Alex Steger

Alex is a seasoned entrepreneur, storyteller, and passionate advocate for sustainability. With a career spanning over two decades, he has founded and led multiple ventures, transforming concepts into impactful realities. His experience includes consulting businesses and government institutions on sustainability and innovation, as well as teaching at the university level on topics like circular economy and innovative business models. Alexander’s extensive travels have deepened his respect for indigenous cultures and the wisdom they offer. Driven by a love for storytelling and adventure, he seamlessly blends cultural understanding with creative vision, crafting meaningful narratives that inspire and educate. Whether spearheading sustainability projects, leading adventure tours, or collaborating on conservation initiatives, Alexander’s approach is rooted in respect for people and nature while creating transformative opportunities.

Lisa Höllbacher

Lisa combines a rich background in business, finance, and technology with a deep passion for storytelling and cultural exploration. With experience in startups and innovation-driven projects, she excels in bridging strategic thinking with creative execution. Lisa’s work on "Your Most Important Journey" reflects her dedication to uncovering timeless wisdom and translating it into actionable insights for modern life. Her expertise lies in fostering authentic human connections, celebrating cultural legacies, and driving meaningful change, all while leveraging her business acumen and technological know-how to create impactful, transformative narratives.

Mungi Ngomane

Ubuntu Practitioner

Wakanyi Hoffmann

Ubuntu Practitioner

Kevin Karbon
Creative Visionary

Kevin Karbon is a Director of Photography, Editor, Director, and Founder of the award-winning agency TreeTop. For nearly 20 years, he and his team have been producing stunning high quality films and animations for international clients. With an exceptional eye for aesthetics and storytelling, he crafts visual experiences that leave a lasting impact.

Uga Lisa Carlini
Executive Producer

Mermaid activist, mother of superheroes and multi- award winning filmmaker Uga L Carlini is the founding member and President of the boutique film production company, Towerkop Creations, which has been specializing in female driven heroine stories since 2010. With offices in Cape Town, South Africa, and Vancouver, Canada, Towerkop Creations has produced globally recognized films, including Angeliena (Netflix), and Beyond the Light Barrier & Alison (both for Amazon Prime). Carlini, a Stellenbosch University drama graduate, has built an international career across continents. Her work has earned critical acclaim, including SAFTA, AMAA, and WGSA Muse Awards on the African continent and a string of international awards globally, while her activism-driven projects like the #butterflyrevolution campaign and music videos Home and Die Deur (Sony Music Africa) have made a social impact. A PGA (Producer’s Guild of America) member and a nominee for the Academy Gold Fellowship for Women, Carlini and Towerkop Creations continue to push boundaries in storytelling while also being passionate about nurturing and developing marginalized and subaltern voices. Carlini is also a 2025 Chicken and Egg Award nominee.

Ubuntu speaks particularly about the fact that you can’t exist as a human being in isolation. It speaks about our interconnectedness. We think of ourselves far too frequently as just individuals, separated from one another, whereas you are connected and what you do affects the whole world. When you do well, it spreads out; it is for the whole of humanity.

Ikigai (生き甲斐) is a Japanese concept that translates to "reason for being." It represents the intersection of what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for. More than just a career goal, ikigai is about finding deep purpose and joy in everyday life. Rooted in Japanese culture, it is often linked to longevity and well-being, guiding people toward a balanced and meaningful existence.

The Walz

The Walz is a centuries-old European tradition where young craftsmen embark on a journey to refine their skills, gain experience, and explore the world. Lasting up to three years and one day, this wandering apprenticeship requires them to leave home, travel with minimal belongings, and work only in places at least 50 kilometers away. Dressed in traditional attire, these journeymen embrace adventure, self-reliance, and cultural exchange while preserving and passing on their craft.

IMPRESSUMYour most important Journey is a project by TreeTop Baumgartner Karbon OG.Herausgeber und Inhaber der Website:
TreeTop Baumgartner Karbon OG
Kaiser-Franz-Joseph Strasse 9, 6020 Innsbruck
USt.-ID: ATU62073767
FN: 268763 s
Geschäftsführung: Michael Baumgartner, Kevin Karbon
[email protected]

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